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When I walk into a restaurant I look for it, when I check out the competition I grab it. What is it? It’s your menu. Unfortunately, many times I am left disappointed and uniformed. This small but essential element of a restaurant has become a glorified price list with a logo. What more can a menu be? YOUR menu can be a powerful marketing muscle that lifts you to the next level. When I discovered this, my store sales rose 14%!
Menus help establish a restaurant’s brand, reinforce its unique standing in the community, and present customers with the food they prepare and serve. More than that menus sell product. Let’s talk about a few tricks of the trade.
Use a professional not just a printer.
The menu is often times the first impression you make on a customer, so make it count. DIY and it looks like it. Send it to the local printer and it looks like everyone else in town.
When designing your menu think marketing.
​All of these questions should be addressed in a well designed menu. Knowing these answers will exercise your menu muscle and build your menu into a powerful selling machine.
Do you have any signature or high profit items?
Do you have a product that is a customer favorite?
Are you the official pizza of some organization?
Have your recipes been passed down for generations?
Has your business received awards?
At PME we design this essential marketing piece to not only be a menu BUT also box-topper, door hanger, mailer so using them in a sensible period of time (3-6 months) should not be a problem & we will coach you in ways to distribute them. Menus are designed to be EDDM friendly.
We realize that an independent pizzeria incurs a food cost that is a little higher than some of our competitors, so it is important that we sell based on quality not price. A Great looking menu-marketing piece is a way to accomplish that.
pisa4 | pisa3 | pisa2 |
pin | olivebranch | landscape9 |
landscape7 | landscape5 | fountain4 |
fountain9 | fountain8 | grape |
itlcity | landscape | landscape4 |
landscape6 | fountain5 | fountain3 |
fountain2 | fountain | fountain1 |
columns | coltree | cols8 |
cityscape | col6 | col7 |
col8 | cols3 | colis1 |
cols | cols7 | col5 |
col1 | city | citycol |
ceaser2 | ceaser | bust2 |
bldg2 | arch6 | arch |
arch5 | bust | arch2 |
001-BrdStx | 005-CinmnStix3 | 006-CinmnStix4 |
002-Chips | 004-CinmnStix2 | 003-CinmnStix |
010-GrlcBrd | 008-Fries | 007-CinmnStix5 |
009-GrdnSldHam2 | 012-Lasagna | 011-GrlcBrd2 |
014-PzBDPepp | 013-PzBDDelux | 015-PzCheese |
017-PzCheese3 | 016-PzCheese2 | 018-PzChknRnch |
019-PzChknRnchCut | 021-PzDeluxe | 020-PzChryDssrt |
023-PzOlivGrnPepr2 | 030-PzPeppMush | 029-PzPeppMtbl2 |
028-PzPeppMtbl | 027-PzPepp4 | 025-PzPepp2 |
026-PzPepp3 | 022-PzOlivGrnPepr | 024-PzPepp |
031-PzPeppMush2 | 032-PzPrsnlChs | 033-PzSausOnGPeps |
036-PzSteakCut | 035-PzSteak | 034-PzSausOnGPepsCut |
037-SldGrdn | 038-SldGrdn2 | 047-SnChknPhily5Wdg |
045-SnChknPhily3Wdg | 044-SnChknPhily2Wdg | 041-SldGrdnHam |
040-SldGrdnChkn | 043-SldTaco | 042-SldGrdnHam3 |
039-SldGrdn3 | 046-SnChknPhily4Wdg | 049-SnChknPhily7Wdg |
048-SnChknPhily6Wdg | 050-SnChknPhilyWdg | 051-SnHamBcn2Wdg |
052-SnHamBcn3Wdg | 053-SnHamBcn4Wdg | 055-SnHamBcnChdr |
062-SnHamBcnChdr8 | 061-SnHamBcnChdr7 | 060-SnHamBcnChdr6 |
058-SnHamBcnChdr4 | 057-SnHamBcnChdr3 | 059-SnHamBcnChdr5 |
056-SnHamBcnChdr2 | 054-SnHamBcn5Wdg | 065-SnHamChs |
063-SnHamBcnChdr9 | 064-SnHamBcnWdg | 066-SnHamChs2 |
067-SnHamChs3 | 068-SnHamChs4 | 069-SnHamChs5 |
070-SnHamChs6 | 071-SnHamChs7 | 072-SnHamChs8 |
074-SnHamChs10 | 073-SnHamChs9 | 077-SnHamChs13 |
075-SnHamChs11 | 076-SnHamChs12 | 080-SnRstBfBcnChdr |
086-SnStkChipCmb | 085-SnRstBfBcnChdr6 | 084-SnRstBfBcnChdr5 |
082-SnRstBfBcnChdr3 | 083-SnRstBfBcnChdr4 | 081-SnRstBfBcnChdr2 |
079-SnHamChsWdg | 078-SnHamChs14 | 087-SnStkChipCmb2 |
089-SnStkChipDssrtCmb2 | 088-SnStkChipDssrtCmb | 093-SnStkFryCmb2 |
090-SnStkChipDssrtCmb3 | 092-SnStkFryCmb | 091-SnStkChipDssrtCmb4 |
094-SnStkFryCmb3 | 100-SnVeggie | 102-SnVeggie2Wdg |
101-SnVeggie2 | 097-SnStkFryDssrtCmb2 | 098-SnStkFryDssrtCmb3 |
099-SnStkFryDssrtCmb4 | 096-SnStkFryDssrtCmb | 095-SnStkFryCmb4 |
104-SnVeggie3Wdg | 103-SnVeggie3 | 105-SnVeggie4 |
106-SnVeggie4Wdg | 107-SnVeggie5 | 109-SnVeggie6 |
108-SnVeggie5Wdg | 110-SnVeggie6Wdg | 119-SnVeggieWdg |
116-SnVeggie10 | 117-SnVeggie11 | 114-SnVeggie8Wdg |
115-SnVeggie9 | 111-Snveggie7 | 112-SnVeggie7Wdg |
113-SnVeggie8 | 120-SpagMtbl | 121-SpagParm |
122-Stromboli2 | 125-Wings2 | 123-Stromboli3 |
124-Wings | 126-Wings3 | 118-SnVeggie12 |
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